Anyways, we went in and talked to him about our options and what we were interested in. Again, for like the 3 millionth time. He mentioned that he could go ahead and get me a minivan. Well, you all know that that went over like a lead balloon. Come to find out Worker Man had mentioned my hate for minivans in an earlier conversation so Uncle Ray was just "jerkin' my chain".
When we got done talking, the dealership had already closed so it was just the three of us. We were on our way out when Worker Man stopped and turned the other direction. You know there are always a few cars inside the dealership that they have to display. Well, the one in the opposite direction was.....
you guessed it....
a minivan.
Well, I wasn't about to walk over there, since I'm a hater and all. So I just stood there with this look of disgust as he oohed and ahhed over it. Finally after asking me about four times to come just peek inside, I inch my way over slowly (in case it tried to bite or something).
I still had a look of disgust on my face. The gross sliding doors, the nasty hatch back/trunk thingy, the memories of being piled in a minivan....gross.
But then, upon further examination, the middle captain chairs swiveled around, a table set up so the middle seat and the back seat could play games or eat or whatever, the stow-away flat back-row, the track lighting along the top, the a/c adapter to plug in your computer or other electronics BUILT IN. The list could go on. But you get the picture.
Worker Man asked me to sit in the drivers seat. Not wanting to seem like a stubborn jerk to Uncle Ray, I slid in....
and then....
lo and behold...
...I became a lover.

I might be a minivan mom after all...
I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!! MIL is ALWAYS you learn that NOW!!!
ReplyDeleteJL!!!!!!!!!!!your ONLY attraction is the table in the back for gaming! It rare to game in a car!!! THINK LONG AND HARD! ITS A NEW CAR...ALL NEW CARS FEEL GOOD ..... Dont let the gaming table steer (no pun intended)you in this direction... STOP LOOKING AT THE LIGHT...PUT ON SUNGLASSES...DONT WALK TOWARDS THAT MV LIGHT! GO SIT IN A CROSSOVER FIRST! I BEG OF YOU!!! ..........sigh.............