
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


UPDATE: Then, we watched The Biggest Loser and 24 sitting on opposite couches.

Here's what Worker Man and I did tonight!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Spoon Champion!

Today is my sister's birthday!

SL is 17!

Yesterday we had a birthday lunch for her with all the fam.

Here's the birthday present Worker Man and I made for her (we gave it to her yesterday). I wish I had gotten a picture of it hung up where it's going to go but in this picture it's laying on my parent's bed.

I plan to do a "how-to" post about this soon. Hopefully on Wednesday so definitely check back!

Here's Worker Man and SL.

They have a great relationship.

And, last but not least, our Saturday night was spent playing games.

We played Spoons, it's quite violent.

As a tribute to the birthday girl, I wanted to display her mad Spoon skills.

Instead of a golf handicap, she has a Spoon handicap so Dad decided she deserved the straining spoon.
Ain't she cute?

Even if she stinks at Spoons.

Happy Birthday SL!

We love you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Worker Man and I went indoor rock climbing with my college roomies, S & G and J (S's bf). We had such a good time. We got a little banged up and were a little sore for the next few days but it was totally worth it. We had a blast!

S & J have their belaying certification so they taught us what we would need for the test and we got certified too!

We are super excited and we can't wait to go back!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So, I haven’t actually tried this yet which technically isn’t a Works for me Wednesdays. But, since I’m not technical and I’m hoping it works for me, I figured I’d throw it out anyway!

At work, four of us have decided that we are going to do a “Christmas Club”. We are going to start buying Christmas gifts NOW. I know that might seem a little crazy and irrational we we’ve got a plan! Here’s how it works.

We’re going to go every 2 weeks (it may change to only once a month) and buy one gift for someone. And then again, 2 weeks (or a month) later we’ll buy another gift. Even if this doesn’t take care of everyone on our lists, it’s at least a start. We’ll have about 10-20 gifts bought that we would have been stressing over at the last minute.

Now, my initial reaction was, "Oh that's a fabulous idea". Then, on second thought, I started wondering if maybe this would not be as productive as I’d imagined. I started worrying that I would buy a gift for someone and by December they would have already bought it for themselves OR they wouldn’t want it anymore and I couldn’t take it back because I bought it 8 months ago!

But, I’ve decided it will be great! I’m going to buy gifts for the easiest people and as Christmas gets closer and closer, I’ll work to find things for the people that are more difficult to buy for. I going to be buying gifts for my grandma, and aunts, etc who will be easier now and buy for my parents and brother and sister (who are more difficult and more specific) will be better to wait on.

I’m so excited about starting this. I know that it will be easier on the budget and the stress levels :)

I’ll keep you updated when we start!


Okay, so I'm officially worthless.

It has been a full week since I blogged. Holy cow.

My GUY friend, E, sent me this message on Facebook:

Subject: Blog

As a fan and reader of your blog I am little concerned about the fact that it has not been updated lately. How am I going to procrastinate if i have no entertainment. I hope all is well.

That is all,


Clearly, I need to get on the ball.

I'll attempt to have a Works For Me Wednesday post up later! (Sorry E, kinda a girly topic)

But in the meantime, please be praying for Stellan and his family. Just click on the button below to find out what all is going on.
Prayers for Stellan

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday!

Update: I accidentally linked this as "go bag" but it's really "fitness at lunch". Sorry WFMW gals!

I started a new job and there is a new thing that is really working for me.

Ya know how it's hard to get to the gym? Especially after you get home. There's typically no going back out to the gym to work out. Well, there is a gym at work and there are fitness classes there too. Everyday at lunch a group from the office (the group is essential for accountability) heads down to the aerobics class. We are able to get down there, work out HARD for 45 minutes, shower and get back upstairs in an hour.

It has honestly been the best thing for me. I feel so much better and don't feel stressed to come home and find time to work out. I would suggest this to anyone who has a gym at work!

It definitely works for me!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I picked a good one

While I was at supper with some friends, I sent Worker Man to Walmart. I gave him a list with only two things on it. This is what he came home with:

Poor guy. He's a good husband. I gave him specifics of what I wanted and he came home and told me, "I couldn't find the compact ones, but I got these instead". I hope this is okay. He also explained that he just had to get the pack of 50 because it was such a better price per tampon :)

Also, he worked on comparing the prices of Midol. He made sure to get the larger bottle of the tablets because the gel caps were a LOT more expensive and of course the larger bottle is a better deal. (All this is coming from his mouth, haha!)

He even said people were laughing at him.

So not only do I have a good husband that will go and get me things like tampons and Midol but he'll actually look through the aisle and make sure to get the thing I requested AND the best deal.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I almost forgot.

No one but FMIL will get this title, but I couldn't help it :)
Today is FMIL’s birthday!

So, Worker Man and I made a list of 10 things we love about her:

10. She loves some Wint-O-Green mints and always has extra to share.

9. She has a FABULOUS wrapping center

8. She’s got mad card playin’ skills (Circle ME, Circle ME, CIRCLE CIRCLE CIRCLE MEEE!)
7. She got me started bloggin’ (Not sure if I should love her or hate her for this one….it’s quite addicting)
6. She’s fabulous with keeping up with everyone. She always remembers to ask about important things in our lives
5. She has some pretty awesome beach buddies

4. She’s the best mother-in-law you could ask for. She treats me just like she carried me around for 9 months too.
3. She’s selfless. With no questions asked and no hesitation, she’d give you the shirt off her back in a heartbeat. She might even let you use her laptop!

2. She loves her family more than anything in this world. Well, maybe she loves one specific family member more than others…ahem…EC…But she loves all the rest of us equally. I’m sure she’ll love Trilla Belle too!

1. She loves Jesus (she loves camp and loves will go to BSF with her daughter-in-law)

We love you!

Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lookie what i got.

So this morning, my boss walked in on my first "official" day at the office with these.

Aren't they absolutely gorgeous?
She told me it was a bribe to keep me coming back :)

I'm going back.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New job.

Like I mentioned last week, I started a new job that's been keeping me busy :)

I am so thrilled to have an office!

With a door!!

Please ignore that plant thingy in the corner. It was there when I came.
The office still needs a little Jenny but it'll get there!

I really needed some mints to go on my desk and on Wednesday night when I got home, FMIL had left a huge bag of them on our porch!

Here's my stash! I've gotta keep them hid from Teeter, she's a lover of the wint-o-green!

Yes, here's me. With my door shut and the timer on my camera. Thankfully, no one came in while I was being an idiot.

And lastly, here is a picture of the most difficult task I have had since I've been at my new job. My supervisor came in and asked me to type up some information. I had to use the TYPE WRITER! Holy cow. It took me like 15 minutes to figure out how to work it. And then, I had to do like four copies of each one so I could get it right. Seriously it was sooooo hard!

Happy Monday!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

busy bee.

So I realize that I haven't blogged in a coon's age and I'M SORRY!

I started a new job this week and on top of that, we've had something to do every single night!

But, I promise I'll be back next week!!!

Don't stop believing...

Thought a little Journey might tide you over till Monday :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Verse 5.

Here's my verse for the beginning of March. I'm a few days late! March definitely snuck up on me :)

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded, YOU NEED TO PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."

-- Hebrews 10:35-36 NIV

Happy Wednesday!

Hopefully there will be a WFMW post later tonight :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Prom Dress Shopping

This past Saturday we went shopping for Sidney's prom dress!! We had a great time :)

Here are a few pictures from the day:

Excited to start our day!

And maybe a little crazy

We tried on some REALLY bad dresses!
This one actually looked like a drape. yuck.

Ummm...this one looked slightly ridiculous...but at least her butt looked good :)

Below was my favorite dress of the day!
I absolutely LOVED it!
No one else did, they thought she looked like a mermaid.
Absolutely GORGEOUS!

One of Siddy's choices for a dress was finding one with a great back.

These were some of our favorites!

But, by the end of the day...we were about to lose it.
We were trying on dresses at our fourth place of the day and we were dying!
Here we are sitting in the dressing room floor...

Bon Bon was busy hanging up the dresses and Sidney was changing.
But we all made it out alive.
Without a dress.