
Monday, January 2, 2012

family pictures!

I love taking newborn pictures but I found out pretty quickly that it is nearly impossible to be mom and photographer with two newborns.  As mom you're trying to hold them in the right pose and worry about them falling off the bed.  As photographer you're trying to get your settings right on your camera and work with the lighting.  And you know that the mom is making sure her baby isn't going to fall so you don't have to worry about that part.  Well, the mom role kept winning.  Thankfully.  Because if photographer role won, the boys would have probably fallen off the bed.  

So, after attempting it a few times, I admitted defeat and asked my brother's girlfriend, Courtney, to come take pictures.  

Annnnd, I'm so glad I did.  

Here are a few of the results:


  1. A M A Z I N G! She did a great job! LOVE these brothers! Love, Nonny

  2. These little guys are so beautiful....but then ...just take a look at their parents!!!

    Thank you for giving Raleighperk such a special opportunity....she loves them so much....oh and ya'll too!! ;)

  3. These are fantastic! I love reading your blog all the way in Arkansas. Congrats!

  4. So adorable! Cuteness times two!

    (a friend of Nonny)

  5. What a beautiful family you have! I know the joy those little guys are bringing into your lives. We love our little twin grandsons. Thansks for sharing the great pictures.

  6. I am here from LBAN..... What beautiful pictures!! I can't wait to catch your little guys grow!!
