
Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This week Worker Man and I are house-sitting and they don't have internet at their house. So, I will most likely be MIA until next Monday.

Just wanted to let y'all know!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Last night I got to have supper with the two gorgeous ladies on the left.
We miss the one on the right like CRAAAZZZYY!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


On Sunday as my sister was getting ready, she showed me a bruise on her right upper thigh. It was about the size of a half dollar. I asked her what it was from.


She's playing soccer so I was really excited about it for her.

Then, as she turns around to walk to the bathroom and she has this huu-maan-go bruise on her left upper thigh about the size of a cantaloupe.

Me: What is that from?

SL: Oh, umm...I ran into a desk.

Me: just laughing hysterically

Clumsy athlete.

Isn't that an oxymoron or something?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Disclaimer: Of course, I finally write a WFMW post and then realize it's supposed to be backwards this week. So, my backwards WFMW question is: How do you plan out your weekly menu? We always end up have a couple of good meals and then some nights where we don't really eat supper, we just have a snack or a bite of something here and there. Remember it's just two of us, but still...I would love to have a plan for supper every night. I'm just having trouble finding something that will work for me!
Okay, now on to the WFMW post I wrote about something that really does work for me!

So a few months ago I found a great gift for my sister’s birthday.

I chose my prints and the frame that I wanted, got to the check out and it was over $270.00!

Just ordering the prints was going to cost over $150.00.

Umm, my gift envelope hasn’t seen $150.00…ever.

So, I decided I would make my own.
With a twist.

I totally forgot to take pictures of the supplies beforehand but here’s what you’ll need:

-6 (or however many letters you plan to use) 4x6 frames (We used the cheap ones from Walmart) = $1.00 each
-1 small curtain rod - $9.99
-4x6 photo paper (I already had it)
-10 ft. of 5/8” ribbon = ~$4.00
TOTAL = $19.99

Now for the steps:

1. Take pictures of all the letters you will need. They’re everywhere. Promise! (Examples: “S” – an s-hook, “E” – the profile of a stoplight, “A” – a ladder)

2. Print photos. I used a photo printer but it would be just as easy to print them at Walmart or Walgreens or wherever. The photos look best as black and white or sepia.

3. Drill two small holes in the top corners of each frame.

4. Thread ribbon through the holes in each frame. It’s best to thread a loop on both sides and tie the ends together on the inside so the picture and glass will cover the knot. Then thread each frame on the curtain rod.

6. Add the pictures and hang.

My sister loved it and it looks great in her bedroom!

Creative ideas for birthday presents definitely work for me :)