
Monday, August 17, 2009

we're back and something i'm kinda excited about.


so i guess yall thought i fell off the face of the planet. but i'm back.

worker man and i have been on vacation and we just got back last night. i fully intended to post throughout our vacation but things like the water, our niece EC, board games and food were calling my name.

but, while i was gone i got to start a new blog.

for my photography!

i took some pictures of worker man's sister and her daughter and i wanted to start posting them but i figured it would be best to just start another blog with only photos. it is.

keep in mind that it needs some work. it's a little bland and the header will definitely change but i had to start somewhere :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

self timer.

apparently i have not quite mastered the self-timer.

worker man and i have very few pictures of the two of us. i wanted to try to take a quick picture the other night using the timer but obviously it wasn't as easy as i thought it would be.

here are the pictures we ended up with.

needless to say, we finally just gave up.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

i think i'm in love.

does anyone know what this is??

it is a the beast of vacuum cleaners.

and i'm in love.

{yes, my sister will say "i'm old" since i'm excited about a vacuum cleaner...but i just can't hold back}

it makes me feel like a ghostbuster.

i think i fit right in, don't you??