
Thursday, June 17, 2010

s&c - edition: engagement.

last night i met up with two of my s&c girls.

kcl is engaged!

we had such a good time.  just talking and catching up.
mst has moved back from kentucky so we get to make this a regular thing!

and, mjd is moving back from washington state in august!

we're so excited!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

wfmw - magic.

have you ever heard of magic erasers?

until i got married, i had never heard of them.
fmil introduced them to me.

and whoa.

seriously, they will clean anything.

they are the best things ever.  
on our bathtub, on the sink, on the wall.

i didn't know about them for so long.
so i just wanted to share the love :)
if you haven't tried them, give them a shot.
and see if they work for you!

[i am linking up over at We Are THAT Family for Works for Me Wednesdays]

*no, mr. clean knows nothing about me.  they are just that good, really*

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


on saturday morning we had breakfast at my parent's house before sl and her friends left for the beach.  all the parents came and we just spent the morning on their back porch [which is fabulous].

we had panckaes and fruit and coffee and juice.

dad's typical pose anytime a camera comes near him.

one of sl's friends.
so happy for me to be sticking my camera in her face at 8 a.m.

of course the moms insisted on one more group shot.
then we prayed.
and by the end, all of the moms were total basket-cases :)
some of the dads might have been on the verge.

and then they left.

oh but wait, not before a million rules and boundaries were set.

discussions about the best way to get there.
how often they had to call home.
to split up the cost of the parking.
to be careful.
to call home.
to have a good time.
oh, and just for good measure, one more reminder to call home.

and then they were off.

for real this time.

i know they are having a blast!

Monday, June 14, 2010



i'm back from my impromptu "break".
sorry i went m.i.a. for awhile.
not really sure what happened?  got a little busy.
but, alas, i'm back.
get excited.

i'm sure you've all been sitting on the edge of your seats awaiting my return.

so, anywhoo...guess what i did friday night?

umm. yes, i went to my sister's graduation.

and, not only did my sister graduate, but two of our cousins.

of course, we had to get a ton of pictures :)
here they are with their families.

j and his family.

a and his family.

and all of the graduates with their mamas :)

oh, and we were all there too :)

sidney lee with mom and dad.

then we moved on to taking pictures with the friends.
we got lots with everyone's family but i'll spare you the 40 bazillion i took.
here are a couple of sl's closest friends.
we're missing a few but it was a little crazy after the ceremony.

 this is the family that i baby-sat[?] for years.
the oldest in the orange is already in college.
and the youngest was like 2 years old when i started keeping them.
she's ten now.

and then there's the family that sl baby-sat for.

worker man showin a little lovin to one of the graduates.
it's funny, i always seem to get a picture right before they start rough-housing.

and there's us three :)

and my beautiful parents.

after graduation, we all came back to my parent's house for a little shindig. 
we had a blast.

sl with my mom's two sisters.

and with mammie.

her with our bon bon.

worker man and the other graduating cousin.
another picture right before chaos insued.

we had a ridiculous amount of wonderful food there.

and papa, surrounded by the graduates, said the blessing.

we had such an awesome time.
and [risking sounding old here], i can't believe my sister graduated.
with my brother, it seemed like it was time.
but with her, it just seems crazy.

i'm stoked because that means she'll be closer to me when she goes to school.
and hopefully i'll get to hang out with her more.

but still.
it's just crazy.
my parent's are going to be empty-nesters.
and my sister is going to be in college.

she's at the beach right now, for a week.
just her and her girlfriends.

as much as it blows my mind, i couldn't be more excited for her.
 i know her next four years will be life-changing.
my years in college were fabulous.  they seriously rocked my world.

and i can't wait to see her world rocked.

congratulations sidney lee.
i love you!