
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

print for the nursery.

this might just have to find a place in the nursery :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

favorite snack.

I know I've talked about my love for Trade Joe's before.
But I'm not sure if I've ever introduced you to one of my favorite snacks:

Go buy you some tonight.

You will not regret it, I promise.
Well, you might regret it after you finish the whole box in one sitting.
But that regret will be worth it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

when we told.

We found out in April that I was pregnant and decided to tell our families at Easter.

We bought giant eggs from Hobby Lobby and filled them with the Easter basket grass and candy.  We didn't want anyone to be suspicious - so we knew they'd assume this was just a little Easter gift.  When they opened the egg there was a paper taped inside the top of the egg. It had a picture of our positive test with the words:  "Baby Conklin Coming December 2011".

We spent Easter morning with my family and then went to Jordan's parent's house for lunch with his family. 

I will post pictures and other videos soon [I'm having trouble with the file formats] but I couldn't wait any longer to show this one.

And, I haven't been able to edit it, so it's straight from the video camera. 

Jordan was videoing.  He was trying to be discreet initially but we weren't expecting FMIL to open her egg as quickly as she did (she thought we brought it for the kids).  So it took him a second to get the lens cover open (the reason you can hear before you actually see anything).  Then, it gets a little shaky because he was talking and hugging while trying to keep videoing.

We are so excited.

And I would say FMIL is too, what do you think?

Monday, August 1, 2011

the reason.

So, I've been MIA.
...for months.

But, I've had a good reason, I promise!

I was incredibly sick.
I'm talking...unable to function kinda sick.
This kind of sick for three months.

But, it's all for a good reason because....

I've definitely got a lot of catching up to do!

Happy Monday!