
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i'm so grossed out, i can't even think of a title.

Disclaimer: This will probably disgust you. Just know that it was gross to me too. I couldn't help it though, I had to share it.

Worker Man has been dying to get a BlackBerry. And by dying, I mean that is all I've heard about for the last like three months. Well, last Friday, he finally got one through work.

I just got this e-mail. Like 30 seconds ago:
Worker Man to me
show details 9:30 AM (3 minutes ago) Reply

Just sitting on the toliet thinking of you. Love you

Sent on the Sprint® Now
Network from my BlackBerry®


Monday, April 27, 2009

the cut.

Sorry it took me so long to put pictures of my haircut up!!

Very attractive look, I know.

And...'s the cut :)

Pretty easy to fix. It takes about 5 minutes and it's not always in a ponytail.

Friday, April 24, 2009

winner, winner, chicken dinner

So, apparently I'm an idiot and a liar.

I know I told you it would be this morning when I posted the winner for the workout dvd but I did not plan that out very well.

Sooo, without further adieu...

....the winner is:

True Random Number Generator Min: 1 Max: 12 Result: 9

Colin's Mom!


Please e-mail me at and let me know your address so I can send your prize!